The Information Age

An Innocent Pleasure


Desserts are often guilty pleasures. Whimsicle is a gourmet fruit pop business that allows you to have your “treat” without feeling guilty. This Philadelphia-based dessert product is dedicated to producing refreshing, delicious, and unique products. These pops are made from fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients. Whimsicles are a healthy alternative treat for people of all ages to enjoy. The difference between Whimsicle and any other gourmet popsicle businesses is the company’s ability to design customizable popsicles in order to fit the desires of the consumer. The pops are available in a wide arrange of shapes and sizes and you have the ability to see the actual fruit inside. The popsicles appeasing to the eye but also gratifying to the taste buds. Whimsicles are available for special occasions, from baby showers, birthday parties, weddings to corporate events and social gatherings. The popsicles are not only tasty, but they are an eye catcher and a conversation starter. Whimsicle is co-owned by Salim Weldon and Tonae Simon.

Salim and Tonae were gracious enough to take out time to talk about their business, commitment to their community and the impact that their faith has in their business.

Your idea for Whimsicle came from a need to provide an alternative to the conventional novelty desserts that were filled with sugar.How does it feel to provide such an alternative with such good taste?

It is a wonderful feeling to know that we have a product that not only tastes delicious, but also healthy. One of the main reasons people opt for conventional desserts that are filled with sugar is because of the taste. It is usually very hard to find a healthy product that tastes great. And we also we took a step a little further by allowing our customer to be able to design their own popsicle which makes it exciting and more enjoyable to eat. “ You Crave it, We Create It!”

You have a passion for the youth of Philadelphia. How has this business helped in your efforts to save the next generation?

The issue of obesity, especially childhood obesity, is a major concern in America today. Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years. About 1/3 of the nations’ children are overweight. Our goal is to help change these statistics by ultimately impacting childhood obesity but also increasing the self-esteem for generations to come.

You’ve captivated your followers on social networks with the photographs of the variety of flavors of popsicles. How important have those social networks been with the growth of the business?

Social networks are very important and essential to the growth of our business. Through social networks, we are able to reach people and connect with people all over the world.

You’ve been able to take your product outside of Philadelphia. You recently tested the product in Atlanta. Tell us about that experience.

Going to Atlanta was a wonderful experience. It has opened our eyes to the fact that our product is capable of reaching the masses. The product was well received in Atlanta. We are looking to expand to other cities on the east coast in the near future.

Salim, you are also a devout Muslim. How has your faith impacted your business?

As a Muslim I/We believe that if we put islam/Allah (swt) first in our everyday life, Allah (swt) will bless us with great success.

Any plans for additional products to be introduced under the Whimsicle brand?

Yes we have so many ideas including different flavors and ingredients and can not wait to release our new products this coming Spring and Summer. Also, we are currently experimenting with a clothing line that showcases our logo and creative sketches of our popsicles.

What’s the most challenging part of your business venture?

The most challenging part of this business venture is to attempting to reach the masses. Patience with persistence is the key. Believe in your product.

Any business advice for those looking to get into the novelty dessert industry?

Being innovative and creative is key in the dessert business. Dessert companies have to focus on presentation.

Leave us with some words of wisdom


Contact info:


Instagram: @_whimsicle


