The Information Age

Career Confusion: Which Job Might Be Right For You? [Infographic]


Story provided by Youtern – 

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

From about the age of six, this is a question we hear often. And by the time we’re in high school, it seems everyone we meet asks us some variation of this question.

But how do you really know – based on your strengths, weaknesses and personality type –what career is right for you? And if you do already have an answer to the “…when you grow up…” question, how do you know if that career will be in high demand by employers?

Vista College, through this comprehensive infographic, not only shows us the careers that might be right for us based on our skills and aptitudes… it shows which jobs are projected to see high growth, and which might end up being a hard road to travel.

Take a look… and see if maybe this doesn’t help you pick the right career for you…

