Why Does Residential Real Estate Cost So Much?

Why Does Residential Real Estate Cost So Much?

  One way or another, everyone pays for housing.  Yet there is little to no transparency into why buying or renting costs what it does.  Understanding residential pricing starts with the cost of construction, including the hard costs (such as wood, steel, and plaster), the soft costs (such as architects, attorneys, and financing), the land, … Continue reading

Crowdfunding Property Deals on Horizon With U.S. JOBS Act

Crowdfunding Property Deals on Horizon With U.S. JOBS Act

On Saturday, I posted an article about 1351 H Street, N.E. in Washington, D.C. and how that real estate deal could change the face of real estate investments. This latest entry about crowdfunding gives more information on this topic. The Jump Out Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) will ease restrictions on investments in closely held companies. … Continue reading

1351 H Street NE – The Real Estate Deal That Could Change the Future of Everything

1351 H Street NE – The Real Estate Deal That Could Change the Future of Everything

H Street NE in Washington, D.C. has become the shining example of redevelopment, change and the redefined look of all that is “urban” in the U.S. today. It is also the testing grounds for a new way of approaching small business development and real estate. Dan and Ben Miller are brothers and co-owners of Westmill … Continue reading