Work Like a Dog: Business, Body Language, and Behaviour

Work Like a Dog: Business, Body Language, and Behaviour

  Story provided by Mindjet – At the end of October, scientists from the Italian University of Trento shed light on how the unconscious movements of a dog’s tail are linked to its mood and interpreted by others. The study was a breakthrough in animal communication, because it proves that dogs are reading one another’s body language. … Continue reading

8 Questions to Help You Maximize Collaboration

8 Questions to Help You Maximize Collaboration

  Story provided by MindJet –  Today’s world of work is filled with uncertainty. There are always unexpected pitfalls, new things to learn, and challenging opportunities — and that means the possibility of facing disruption is something we all need to be prepared for. Maximizing both your personal and professional collaboration networks can help you … Continue reading

Behind Enemy Lines: Project Management Secrets Revealed

Behind Enemy Lines: Project Management Secrets Revealed

Expertise-specific tasks usually get left up to the person bearing the title, right? Writers write, salespeople sell, marketers market. But as corporate hierarchies flatten out into a pancake of shared initiatives and collaboration, there’s at least one role that’s sneaking its way into everyone’s responsibilities: project management. So, what do you do if you haven’t … Continue reading