Two Things to Do After Every Meeting

Two Things to Do After Every Meeting

Story provided by Harvard Business Review –  Steve Jobs insisted that every item on a meeting agenda have a designated person responsible for that task and any follow-up work that happened. He called that person the DRI—the Directly Responsible Individual. He knew the public accountability would ensure that a project or task would actually get … Continue reading

Developing Organizational Focus

Developing Organizational Focus

Story provided by Asana Blog –  I often think about how successful companies like Shopify, HootSuite, and Airbnb stay focused. These companies are all made up of smart, creative, and passionate teams (which are made up of smart, creative, and passionate individuals) who share common goals. They effectively communicate, collaborate, and align on priorities which … Continue reading

This is Why Your Business isn’t Growing

This is Why Your Business isn’t Growing

Story provided by Fortune –      When I first started my company, I lost a lot of sleep over developing Internet domain names, second-guessing myself, crafting business models, second-guessing myself again, searching for talent, and second-guessing myself one more time. Today, almost six years later, upon serving hundreds of churches, nonprofits, and business clients, … Continue reading