What Do We Really Know About the Safety of E-Cigarettes?

What Do We Really Know About the Safety of E-Cigarettes?

Story provided by FiveThirtyEight –  Last week, I noticed two teenagers loitering outside an IKEA in New Haven, Connecticut, smoking. The only difference between now and what I might have seen five years ago was that the cigarettes were electronic. Seemingly overnight, smoking e-cigarettes has become popular. This growth has generated an active policy debate on regulation. Those … Continue reading

How To Schedule Your Day For Peak Creative Performance

How To Schedule Your Day For Peak Creative Performance

Story provided by Fast Company –  Are you a certified organizational ninja? It’s okay, nobody is–so steal this idea from career Kickstarter Amber Rae, who shares her “work, play, fit, push” framework for getting things done while staying inspired. About four years ago I started working for myself. I wanted the freedom and flexibility to … Continue reading

Stick-on Knobs Let iPad DJs Mix With Physical Dials

Stick-on Knobs Let iPad DJs Mix With Physical Dials

Story provided by Springwise –  Tuna Knobs aim to bring the tactile control of mixing desks to tablets, with attachable buttons that work with multiple DJ apps. Music consumption has almost completely lost its physicality since the advent of digital, with entire back catalogs available at the click of a button. Musicians and producers themselves … Continue reading