How to Get Funded on Kickstarter

How to Get Funded on Kickstarter

Story provided by Businessweek –  Question: My company is contemplating a Kickstarter-style fundraising campaign. I’ve seen these kinds of things fail too often. How can I maximize my chances of reaching my goal? Answer: You’re smart to plan ahead and do the best job possible on your crowdfunding campaign. According to data from, one of the oldest and … Continue reading

If You Back A Kickstarter Project That Sells For $2 Billion, Do You Deserve To Get Rich?

If You Back A Kickstarter Project That Sells For $2 Billion, Do You Deserve To Get Rich?

Story provided by The Verge –  The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset raised $2.4 million on Kickstarter, no strings attached. Those donors weren’t looking for a payout; they wanted to support something they believed in, and maybe get a pair of virtual reality goggles to play with. But when Facebook bought Oculus a year and … Continue reading

Crowdfunding Goes Mainstream: Why Donald Trump and Google Are Supporting Grassroots Financing

Crowdfunding Goes Mainstream: Why Donald Trump and Google Are Supporting Grassroots Financing

  A few short years ago, crowdfunding, or raising large sums of money by soliciting many small donations, was an off-the-beaten-path grassroots movement largely relegated to artists. Not anymore. Crowdfunding has captured the attention of cable TV producers at CNBC and A&E, real-estate mogul Donald Trump and tech behemoth Google. To read more, click here. Continue reading

“The Information Age” Partnership with Blackstartup

“The Information Age” Partnership with Blackstartup

I am excited to announce that “The Information Age” is now partnering with Blackstartup. “The Information Age” will be powering the Blackstartup blog. Starting very soon, blog entries from this site can be viewed on Blackstartup as well. Click here. Background on BlackStartup is a platform that allows black and non black innovators to … Continue reading

Crowdfunding Property Deals on Horizon With U.S. JOBS Act

Crowdfunding Property Deals on Horizon With U.S. JOBS Act

On Saturday, I posted an article about 1351 H Street, N.E. in Washington, D.C. and how that real estate deal could change the face of real estate investments. This latest entry about crowdfunding gives more information on this topic. The Jump Out Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) will ease restrictions on investments in closely held companies. … Continue reading