

Corelynx, Inc a Sillicon Valley based company started the journey as an Open Source based Enterprise Product Development and Services Company. , Corelynx focuses on next generation technology areas: CRM software, Cloud computing Architecture, Open source software development, ERP software, Mobility. Corelynx, the company has success to deliver their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution in … Continue reading

Marriage is Great. Now How About Government Contracts?

Marriage is Great. Now How About Government Contracts?

  The LGBT community will benefit from the expansion of their rights to marry. Now, business leaders in that community are looking to have businesses certified as “gay-owned” recognized as “disadvantaged” businesses. This recognition will fuel business power when pursuing federal, state and local contracts. To read more, click here. Continue reading

19 Successful People Who Had A Rough Time In Their Twenties

19 Successful People Who Had A Rough Time In Their Twenties

  Don’t panic, “twentysomethings”. Here’s further proof that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Tim Thomas (pictured above) bounced around several amateur and international hockey leagues before becoming a starter during 2006–2007 season at age 30. In 2011, his Game 7 shutout against Vancouver helped deliver a Stanley Cup to Boston. To see all 19 people, click here. Continue reading

How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

  What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Why? Whether you like it or not, your appearance is the first thing people notice about you–and first impressions are usually formed within the first 30 seconds, says Brenda Ferguson Hodges, a California-based image consultant and career coach. “Appearance affects hiring decisions … Continue reading