Facebook And Twitter Changes Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Facebook And Twitter Changes Every Business Owner Needs To Know

  Story provided by Forbes – Change has been afoot at Facebook and Twitter, but most users won’t have noticed these changes as of yet. In a series of blog posts over the past two weeks, both networks have made some pretty significant announcements that will impact business owners who use their platforms. Here are some of the most … Continue reading

RFID Sidewalks Could Help The Blind Find Their Way Around

RFID Sidewalks Could Help The Blind Find Their Way Around

Story provided PSFK –  Tactile designs are one way to assist the blind, but a new system called Blind Guider, would also make use of RFID-embedded street tiles to help people navigate the city streets. Each of the yellow intersection markers would contain information about specific street names, and local directions, which a sensor-enabled cane … Continue reading

Why You Need To Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are

Why You Need To Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are

Story provided by Fast Company –  Do you rush through the morning paper, barely skimming the headlines while answering emails and making kids’ lunches? Do you compete with coworkers over how late you stay at the office each night? When journalist Brigid Schulte found herself immersed in one of the most hectic, time-crunched industries, she, like many … Continue reading

How Much Would Your Service be Worth …If Your Customers Could Decide?

How Much Would Your Service be Worth …If Your Customers Could Decide?

Story provided by The Powell Consulting Group – Heading home from a recent business trip, I found myself with some much needed downtime during a layover at the Denver International Airport (DIA). Remembering that the shoeshines at DIA were amazing, I made a beeline to Fred’s Shoeshine Chair to get the special treatment that I … Continue reading

In Silicon Valley, a New Investment: Eviction

In Silicon Valley, a New Investment: Eviction

Story provided by Bloomberg – (Written by John Gittelsohn and Heather Perlberg) Virginia Valencia earns $12 an hour working the morning shift at Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) headquarters in Palo Alto,California, where she serves food and drinks to the staff and billionaire co-founder Elon Musk. After work, the single mother of three goes home to the one-bedroom rent-controlled apartment … Continue reading