Hack Your Thanksgiving Turkey To Tweet From The Oven

Hack Your Thanksgiving Turkey To Tweet From The Oven

Story provided by Fast Company –  The Internet of Delicious Things is coming to your Thanksgiving table this year, courtesy of a fun turkey hack from Oracle. The software company has been running a series of blog posts this month that lay out a “recipe” for how to prepare an Internet-connected turkey that will send out tweets as it roasts … Continue reading

Growth of Women-Owned Businesses Outpaces Rest of U.S.

Growth of Women-Owned Businesses Outpaces Rest of U.S.

Story provided by DocStoc –  The past 16 years have been filled with burst bubbles, bailouts and a recession that all but crippled the growth of American business. As U.S. commerce steadily begins to recover, growth among all industries and regions has also become apparent. As a recent American Express OPEN study revealed, women-owned businesses have been … Continue reading

The 80/20 Rule of Time Management: Stop Wasting Your Time

The 80/20 Rule of Time Management: Stop Wasting Your Time

  Story provided by Entrepreneur Magazine –  Small-business owners waste their time on what I call $10 an hour work, like running to get office supplies. Meanwhile, they forgo the activities that earn $1,000 an hour, such as sending the right email to the right person, or negotiating a lucrative contract, or convincing a client … Continue reading