How to Train Your Brain to Stay Positive

How to Train Your Brain to Stay Positive

  Story provided by Entrepreneur Magazine –  As an entrepreneur, conquering challenge and failure is essential to the success of your business. You can learn to cultivate that resilience by training your brain to stay positive when times are tough. “People tend to have a cognitive bias toward their failures, and toward negativity,” says Matthew Della Porta, … Continue reading

How to Train Your Brain to Multitask Effectively

How to Train Your Brain to Multitask Effectively

Nadia Goodman of Enterpreneur magazine explains how effective multitasking is actually time-sharing within the brain. Ineffective multitasking is believing that you can actually do more than one task at once. It is possible to complete one task and to briefly think forward to the next step/task while doing that one. But completing both at the … Continue reading