How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

Story provided by Inc. – While in an early leadership role many years ago, I experienced an exchange I’ll never forget. I chastised a team member (we’ll call him David) for a major blunder. My point was valid, but I’m sure I could have delivered it better. David’s response was quick and cutting: “You know, you’re the … Continue reading

How to Develop Mental Toughness, According to an FBI Agent Who Had to Do it to Survive

How to Develop Mental Toughness, According to an FBI Agent Who Had to Do it to Survive

Story provided by The Muse –  Mental toughness. It’s the ability to push through difficult (and even painful) situations while maintaining peak performance. It’s what separates the elite from the above average, and it is only gained through training and hard work. For entrepreneurs and business owners, it means having the grit you need to … Continue reading