The 12 Things That Successfully Convert a Great Idea Into a Reality

The 12 Things That Successfully Convert a Great Idea Into a Reality

  How many times have you been in a meeting and someone says to you, “That’s a great idea, you should take the initiative and make it a reality.” What typically happens? Most of the time – nothing.  Most great ideas remain dormant because people don’t have the courage, resources, time and/or money to take action. … Continue reading

“The Information Age” Partnership with Blackstartup

“The Information Age” Partnership with Blackstartup

I am excited to announce that “The Information Age” is now partnering with Blackstartup. “The Information Age” will be powering the Blackstartup blog. Starting very soon, blog entries from this site can be viewed on Blackstartup as well. Click here. Background on BlackStartup is a platform that allows black and non black innovators to … Continue reading