“How Should I Introduce You?” Mike Powell and George Rice
"How Should I Introduce You?"

“How Should I Introduce You?” Mike Powell and George Rice

Mike Powell, MBA: is a leadership consultant and business coach who, ignites passion, growth and energy for positive change in people and organizations in every sector. A dynamic speaker and trainer, Mike draws upon the lessons learned from his unique life experiences to help individuals, teams and organizations improve their performance and achieve success. With … Continue reading

Psychology Tools: Schedule “Worry Time”

Psychology Tools: Schedule “Worry Time”

Story originally posted on Health Psych and written by Kim Pratt (photo credit: Moyan Brenn) – Want to decrease the amount of time you spend worrying?  Schedule “worry time.”  It may sound counterintuitive, but employing this cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) tool can help you develop control over the frequency and timing of your worry.  Backed by research, this technique known as stimulus … Continue reading

The Top 5 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Over a 20-Year Career

The Top 5 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Over a 20-Year Career

Story originally posted on Inc. and written by Bernard Coleman (photo provided by Getty Images) Leadership is not without its pitfalls. I’ve now been working for 20 years across a number of industries–in tech, politics, nonprofits, and state government. In that time, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide range of leaders.  However, one of the … Continue reading

Increase Your Productivity by Saying Goodbye to Drains and Incompletions

Increase Your Productivity by Saying Goodbye to Drains and Incompletions

Story originally posted on 99u and written by Tina Essmaker (Illustration by Giacomo Bagnara) – It’s the end of the day and I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing.” “My to-do list is constantly growing and I feel overwhelmed.”  “I want to feel more productive and accomplished at work.” “I’m spread so thin that I’m not … Continue reading

How “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination” Explains Modern Life

How “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination” Explains Modern Life

Story originally posted on Greatist and written by Daphne K. Lee – It’s 2 a.m. on a weekday and I’m either doomscrolling on Twitter or watching Netflix. My eyes can barely stay open, but they will soldier on. When it’s finally bedtime, I put on a podcast episode to inhale 5 more minutes of information before drifting … Continue reading

7 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Financial Advisor

7 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Financial Advisor

Story originally posted on Smart Asset – Choosing a financial advisor is a major life decision that can determine your financial trajectory for years to come.  A 2020 Northwestern Mutual study found that 71% of U.S. adults admit their financial planning needs improvement. However, only 29% of Americans work with a financial advisor. The value … Continue reading

How to Begin Writing Your Lead-Generating Non-Fiction Book

How to Begin Writing Your Lead-Generating Non-Fiction Book

Story originally posted on Entrepreneur and written by Hayley Paige (image credit: Karl Tapales/Getty Images) – Writing a book. It’s one of the most commonly held aspirations, yet is somehow perceived to be one of the most overwhelming and problematic roads to navigate. And when this life goal is coupled with the knowledge and recognition … Continue reading