Hack Your Thanksgiving Turkey To Tweet From The Oven

11.27.13 Thanksgiving

Story provided by Fast Company – 

The Internet of Delicious Things is coming to your Thanksgiving table this year, courtesy of a fun turkey hack from Oracle.

The software company has been running a series of blog posts this month that lay out a “recipe” for how to prepare an Internet-connected turkey that will send out tweets as it roasts in your oven.

The Vernier Go!Temp probe, connected to a Raspberry Pi computer.

The setup requires a special temperature probe, like the Vernier Go!Temp, which comes with a USB port that you hook up to a Raspberry Pi computer. As the turkey cooks, the probe will measure the bird’s temperature. In its next blog post, Oracle will explain how to write a Java Embedded app for the Raspberry Pi that will fashion those temperature readings into tweets straight from the turkey’s… well, you get the idea.

The Turkey Tweeter is a creative way for Oracle to promote its embedded Java technology. But it also suggests one way the Internet of Things movement of connected devices will materialize in the kitchen of the future. So long, egg timers–from now on, I’ll be scanning Twitter for tweets from my dinner, telling me it’s ready to eat.

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