Why You Need a Daily Prioritization Meeting

Why You Need a Daily Prioritization Meeting

Story provided by 99u –  We live in a culture of urgency, constantly throwing our emotional energy into the latest public scandal, emergency, or cat video. Most of us work in always-switched-on companies where everything feels urgent. Call backs, emails, and meetings are wrought with peak energy. How quickly do you expect a response to an … Continue reading

Should You Really Make Your Passion Your Job?

Should You Really Make Your Passion Your Job?

  Story provided by Pacific Standard – In our current start up-obsessed moment, aspiring to have a job that already exists seems almost unfashionable. The true goal of meaningful employment, or so the aspirational entrepreneurial culture would have it, is to create your own job, distilling your utmost passions into a career that is enriching in … Continue reading

Bill Gates Predicts There Will Be Almost No Poor Countries By 2035

Bill Gates Predicts There Will Be Almost No Poor Countries By 2035

Story provided by Quartz –  In their foundation’s just-released annual letter, Bill and Melinda Gates attempt to debunk three pervasive myths in development economics: “Poor countries are doomed to stay poor.” “Foreign aid is a big waste.” “Saving lives leads to overpopulation.” From the letter’s introduction: We hear these myths raised at international conferences and at social gatherings. … Continue reading

12 Things You Need to Know Before Going Vegan

12 Things You Need to Know Before Going Vegan

Story provided by ABC News –  Veganism has come a long way: once reserved for peace-loving hippies, interest in a totally animal-free diet is at an all-time high, with celebrities like Bill Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Jay Z, and Beyoncé leading the charge. But before you jump on the no-meat-eggs-or-dairy bandwagon, you should know what you’re … Continue reading