#TheInformationAge Tool of the Day: Vox Card Stacks

7.3.14 Vox

Vox describes itself as a general interest news site for the 21st century. Its mission is simple: Explain the news. There is a particular section of the site titled “Card Stacks”. It gives you insight on hot topics and allows you to catch up on the topic. For many of us, we catch these topics midway through and we can’t find a way to catch up. We all want to be abreast and up to speed about national topics in our offices, at home among our neighbors, and with friends. Vox’s “Card Stacks” allow us to do that. There may be a topic that has not been broken down by Vox. You can submit a request to have that topic “card stacked”. All the stacks start with the phrase “Everything you need to know about…”

Check it out here

Tags: card stacks, Everything you need to know about, . Bookmark the permalink.

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