Seth Godin: Thinking Backwards

Seth Godin at CreativeMornings New York speaks on a few things we have backwards when it comes to getting the work we want and positioning ourselves where we want to be.

On a personal note, my main takeaway from this video is the idea of spending more time increasing the quality of your client base. If you complain about customers attempting to haggle on prices, work to get better clients. If friends are your primary clients, but they don’t respect your craft because you’re their friend, work to get better clients. How are you spending your time? Are you spending the majority of your time satisfying current clients? Are you spending the majority of your time looking to get better clients?

Essentially, if you want to improve your customer base, you have to continuously improve what you’re doing. Evolve to a point where no one ever complains about how much it will cost them to have YOU provide the goods or services that they need.

Tags: CreativeMornings, Getting better clients, , Thinking Backwards. Bookmark the permalink.

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