This Is How To Function On Only 4 Hours Of Sleep

This Is How To Function On Only 4 Hours Of Sleep

  Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. Story provided by Business Insider –  How do CEOs who sleep for only four to five hours daily and manage to function and run multimillion-dollar companies? appeared as a question on Quora. Below we are republishing an answer from Alexandra Damsker, a CEO of a successful startup. I don’t have a multimillion-dollar … Continue reading

Black Women Struggle To Fund Startups

Black Women Struggle To Fund Startups

Story provided by CNN Money – From the trunk of her Toyota Corolla, 53-year-old Charmaine DaCosta delivers her Jamaican limeade to grocery stores and delis in Manhattan and Brooklyn. “I do my own delivery, make the product and I [watch] over every process,” DaCosta said of her beverage company Limation. “All the financial responsibility falls … Continue reading

10 ​Things To Remove From Your Résumé​ Immediately

10 ​Things To Remove From Your Résumé​ Immediately

Story provided by Business Insider –  What you don’t include on your résumé can be as important as what you do include. There are some things that make a résumé look unprofessional, outdated or distracting to hiring managers, who have only moments to scan the document. Make sure hiring managers see only information that strengthens, rather than … Continue reading