How a Popular Two-Letter Word is Undermining Your Credibility

How a Popular Two-Letter Word is Undermining Your Credibility

Story provided by Fast Company –  You’re at an industry conference making small talk. The discussion invariably turns from “who you know” to “what you do.” Your brow furrows, you cock your head slightly, and you launch into the elevator pitch: “So, we’re building a multi-channel platform that leverages…” “So, I’m the global brand director … Continue reading

Drop Out Like Zuckerberg? No. Learn to Be an Entrepreneur in School.

Drop Out Like Zuckerberg? No. Learn to Be an Entrepreneur in School.

Story provided by Entrepreneur –  A popular myth these days is that finishing college only dilutes your entrepreneurial instincts, and the best of the best, including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, dropped out early to hasten their success. I agree with Robert E. Litan, former VP of research at the Kauffman Foundation, that … Continue reading