How to Develop Mental Toughness, According to an FBI Agent Who Had to Do it to Survive

How to Develop Mental Toughness, According to an FBI Agent Who Had to Do it to Survive

Story provided by The Muse –  Mental toughness. It’s the ability to push through difficult (and even painful) situations while maintaining peak performance. It’s what separates the elite from the above average, and it is only gained through training and hard work. For entrepreneurs and business owners, it means having the grit you need to … Continue reading

How to Deal When You’re Disappointed In Yourself

How to Deal When You’re Disappointed In Yourself

Story provided by 99u –  Creatives are no stranger to experiencing crushing disappointment. No matter your medium, it’s easy to equate your work with yourself, since your product is a reflection of your inner humanhood. Whenever you’re disappointed in something you’ve produced, or else your failure to actually produce that thing, that feeling of frustration … Continue reading

5 Inspiring Lessons From People Who Drastically Changed Their Careers

5 Inspiring Lessons From People Who Drastically Changed Their Careers

Story provided by Mashable –  Sometimes life throws you curve balls, but sometimes you’re the one tossing the pitch that changes directions. The same goes for careers. While we’re sometimes forced to move on from a job because of uncontrollable circumstances, we also frequently choose to carve out our own paths, leaving promising positions to … Continue reading