The Magic of 30-Minute Meetings

The Magic of 30-Minute Meetings

Story provided by Harvard Business Review –  Five years ago, after becoming frustrated with my fruitless tendency to juggle multiple activities at once, I tried an experiment: for one week, I would not multitask and see what happened. The experiment changed everything for the better. My relationships improved, my stress dissolved, and my productivity soared. … Continue reading

How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

Story provided by Inc. – While in an early leadership role many years ago, I experienced an exchange I’ll never forget. I chastised a team member (we’ll call him David) for a major blunder. My point was valid, but I’m sure I could have delivered it better. David’s response was quick and cutting: “You know, you’re the … Continue reading

The NFL’s Magic Yellow Line, Explained

The NFL’s Magic Yellow Line, Explained

Story provided by Vox – Sports broadcasts are wallpapered with gratuitous graphics. They’re moving, they’re shiny, they sound like Transformers. Take them or leave them, the experience of watching football doesn’t really change. (NBC) With one exception: The yellow first-down line. Since the late 1990s, the virtual yellow line has been quietly enhancing football broadcasts by … Continue reading