Facebook And Twitter Changes Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Facebook And Twitter Changes Every Business Owner Needs To Know

  Story provided by Forbes – Change has been afoot at Facebook and Twitter, but most users won’t have noticed these changes as of yet. In a series of blog posts over the past two weeks, both networks have made some pretty significant announcements that will impact business owners who use their platforms. Here are some of the most … Continue reading

Want To Advance Your Career? Seek Out A Sponsor

Want To Advance Your Career? Seek Out A Sponsor

Story provided by Forbes – When you think of people who have sponsors, you probably conjure images of professional cyclists or race-car drivers with company logos emblazoned on their outfits. But there’s a different kind of sponsorship that any professional—not just big-name athletes—can use to their benefit. In her new book, “(Forget a Mentor) Find … Continue reading

Small Tweaks To Make Your Work And Life Better

Small Tweaks To Make Your Work And Life Better

  Story provided via Forbes – Years ago, author and consultant Cali Williams Yost used to try to talk to executives about ‘work-life balance.’ That all changed when one senior leader pulled her aside. “He said, ‘I’m going to take pity on you and tell you what’s going on. Every time I hear ‘work-life balance,’ I hear … Continue reading

How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

  What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Why? Whether you like it or not, your appearance is the first thing people notice about you–and first impressions are usually formed within the first 30 seconds, says Brenda Ferguson Hodges, a California-based image consultant and career coach. “Appearance affects hiring decisions … Continue reading