8 Questions to Ask Someone Other Than “What Do You Do?”

8 Questions to Ask Someone Other Than “What Do You Do?”

GRANT FAINT/HAYON THAPALIYA/GETTY IMAGES Story provided by HBR and written by David Burkus We’ve all been in the awkward situation of meeting someone new and having to build rapport quickly — at networking events, industry conferences, charity events, dinner parties, and other social-professional situations. If you’re like many people — especially most Americans — you break the awkward … Continue reading

How to Manage Someone Who Is Totally Disorganized

How to Manage Someone Who Is Totally Disorganized

Story provided by Harvard Business Review; Written by Rebecca Knight; Photo provided by Daniel Grizelj/Getty Images Managing a disorganized employee is often a maddening experience. How can you help your scattered direct report develop better systems? How can you drive home the importance of staying on top of meetings, calendars, and emails? And is it even possible … Continue reading

The Magic of 30-Minute Meetings

The Magic of 30-Minute Meetings

Story provided by Harvard Business Review –  Five years ago, after becoming frustrated with my fruitless tendency to juggle multiple activities at once, I tried an experiment: for one week, I would not multitask and see what happened. The experiment changed everything for the better. My relationships improved, my stress dissolved, and my productivity soared. … Continue reading

Managing and Motivating Employees in Their Twenties

Managing and Motivating Employees in Their Twenties

Story provided by Harvard Business Review – I’ve been lucky to work with some awesome employees in their twenties. While that formative decade is long and dynamic for each person; in a companion post I’ve offered some observations on the differences between Generation Z and Generation After-Lehman; there are some consistencies in how best to … Continue reading