Be Decisive Like Jeff Bezos and Other Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Day

Be Decisive Like Jeff Bezos and Other Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Day

Story provided by Inc. Story written by Alisa Cohn. Photo provided by Getty Images If you’re like most of the startup CEOs I coach, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about leveraging your time, and wishing you had more of it. There are only 168 hours in a week, but there are simple habits you can adopt to get the most out … Continue reading

How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Criticism: They Don’t Do This

Story provided by Inc. – While in an early leadership role many years ago, I experienced an exchange I’ll never forget. I chastised a team member (we’ll call him David) for a major blunder. My point was valid, but I’m sure I could have delivered it better. David’s response was quick and cutting: “You know, you’re the … Continue reading