The Top 5 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Over a 20-Year Career

The Top 5 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Over a 20-Year Career

Story originally posted on Inc. and written by Bernard Coleman (photo provided by Getty Images) Leadership is not without its pitfalls. I’ve now been working for 20 years across a number of industries–in tech, politics, nonprofits, and state government. In that time, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide range of leaders.  However, one of the … Continue reading

4 Questions Every Great Leader Should Be Able to Answer

4 Questions Every Great Leader Should Be Able to Answer

Story provided by Inc. and written by Leigh Buchanan –  Most entrepreneurs–especially new ones–charge into leadership with a cloud of aspirational adjectives (“inspiring,” “benevolent,” “collaborative”) roiling their brains but no clear idea what those things look like in practice. The result is confusion, as employees try to deduce the boss’s intent (“Am I supposed to take … Continue reading

Multitasking Is Killing Your Brain

Multitasking Is Killing Your Brain

Story provided by Inc. –  Our brains weren’t built to multitask. Our brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time, and bombarding them with information only slows them down. MIT neuroscientist Earl Miller notes that our brains are “not wired to multitask well… when people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching from one task to … Continue reading

8 Tips to Running An Actually Successful Social Media Campaign

8 Tips to Running An Actually Successful Social Media Campaign

Story provided by Inc. –  Social media for businesses has become a blight upon the world. Companies thirst for your attention with the most asinine, pointless promoted posts, offering webinars and “white papers” that you’ll never read or care about. Their budgets and actual reach are lower, and oftentimes the attention they get is actually … Continue reading

7 Things Really Resourceful People Do

7 Things Really Resourceful People Do

Story provided by Inc. –  What’s the highest compliment for an aspiring entrepreneur? What’s the one thing you can say that suggests they’re in tune with the ultimate definition of entrepreneurship, and that they’re likely to succeed? I don’t think it’s that they’re smart, determined or even that they’re a great leader–as nice as it is … Continue reading

How to Build the World’s Best Board of Advisers

How to Build the World’s Best Board of Advisers

Story provided by Inc. –  You have your doubts about advisory boards. I get it. You picture people who don’t know your business sitting around your conference table offering platitudes at best and inane comments at worst while all the time you’re thinking “my time could be so much better spent building the company.” If you’re picturing a … Continue reading