Reinventing Performance Management

Reinventing Performance Management

Story provided by Harvard Business Review –  At Deloitte we’re redesigning our performance management system. This may not surprise you. Like many other companies, we realize that our current process for evaluating the work of our people—and then training them, promoting them, and paying them accordingly—is increasingly out of step with our objectives. In a … Continue reading

Criticized By The Boss? Here’s How To Handle It

Criticized By The Boss? Here’s How To Handle It

AP Photo/Elise Amendola – Story provided by Forbes (pic provided by ESPN.go) – Scenario 1: You’re staring at your boss during your performance review and can’t believe the criticism you’re receiving. Scenario 2: You’ve just presented an idea during a staff meeting and your boss angrily criticizes it in front of the entire department. You want to … Continue reading