Why Is It So Difficult to Teach People to Manage Money?

Why Is It So Difficult to Teach People to Manage Money?

Story provided by Vox –  This spring, graduating high school seniors in Oklahoma had to meet the strictest financial literacy education requirements in the country. Students now have to demonstrate their understanding in 14 different areas of personal finance — everything from household budgeting and basic investing to the consequences of gambling and bankruptcy. It’s … Continue reading

Why You Should Take Notes By Hand — Not On A Laptop

Why You Should Take Notes By Hand — Not On A Laptop

Story provided by Vox –  Walk into a college lecture these days and you’ll see legions of students sitting behind glowing screens, pecking away at keyboards. Presumably, they’re using the computers to take notes, so they better remember the course material. But new research shows that if learning is their goal, using a laptop during class is … Continue reading