A Performance Review May Be Good for Your Marriage

A Performance Review May Be Good for Your Marriage

Story provided by Wall Street Journal –  Getting your annual performance review from your boss can be awkward and irritating. Can you imagine getting one from your spouse? A growing number of marriage therapists and relationship researchers recommend that spouses and romantic partners complete periodic performance reviews. Couples typically wait too long to go to … Continue reading

How ‘Active Listening’ Makes Both Participants in a Conversation Feel Better

How ‘Active Listening’ Makes Both Participants in a Conversation Feel Better

Story provided by Wall Street Journal –  When Traci Ruble and her husband, Clemens Gantert, climbed into bed one night recently, he began telling her about his day at his software startup. He explained that changes in a state law would affect his business. And he told her about a technical problem he was having … Continue reading

IRS Rule Leads Restaurants to Rethink Automatic Tips

IRS Rule Leads Restaurants to Rethink Automatic Tips

  Story provided via The Wall Street Journal – An updated tax rule is causing restaurants to rethink the practice of adding automatic tips to the tabs of large parties. Starting in January, the Internal Revenue Service will begin classifying those automatic gratuities as service charges—which it treats as regular wages, subject to payroll tax withholding—instead … Continue reading