Lemonade Day


1.25.13 Lemonade Day2

It is becoming clear that America is more open to small business than it has been for quite some time. With the cost of a post-high school education, employment opportunities being shaky and the political landscape shifting, the next generation may be forced to work for themselves. How will the children of today be prepared for this possibility in the future?

Lemonade Day, created by Prepared 4 Life, a Texas 501C3 organization, is a fun and experiential learning program where communities across the nation unite to teach youth how to start, own and operate their own business through a lemonade stand. Although they started in Texas, they have expanded to many cities across the country.

To learn more about this venture, click here.

Tags: Julie Eberly, Lemonade Day, Michael Holthouse, Prepared 4 Life, Young Entrepreneurs. Bookmark the permalink.

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