Mental Muscle

3.9.13 Mental Muscle

Cornell Evans, Jr. grew up in Southeast and Northwest D.C. Raised by his parents, he was taught about the importance of respect, holding true to his principles and to always have morals. Although Cornell was an avid boxer, peer pressure forced him into the drug game. After a stint in prison, he changed his life around by focusing on family, himself and keeping a positive attitude. “The Biography of Mental Muscle” was written because of his past circumstances.

“The Biography of a Mental Muscle” is about the importance of developing and using your mental discipline when making decisions. This includes decisions that not only impact you, but those around you as well. Cornell learned this through his stint in prison, when he was forced to leave behind his wife and kids. While incarcerated, he sought a higher power and found one that turned his life around.

Cornell was gracious enough to talk to us about the power of prayer, mental muscle and how our next generation can stop the harmful trend of bullying in our society.

“The Biography of a Mental Muscle” talks about the use of our brains versus resorting to physical violence. This seems like an easy concept. But for many, it’s not. Talk about the process of implementing this revelation in your personal life.

I’ve implemented this revelation through extensive prayer. When I was a child, I was introduced to the power of prayer from my grandmother and mother. With prayer in my life, it was a miraculous revelation to me because it changed me for the better and made me the man I am today.

You’ve spent some time as a boxer. Some may look at boxing as a physical sport. But there is a mental component. Did the sport help you to overcome your personal issues? And if so, how?

Yes, boxing help me overcome obstacles in life. Boxing teaches you mental stability, agility, balance, and discipline. These tools worked for me in the ring, but also helped me outside the ring in my personal life.

Being married and having seven kids is a task within itself. You served your sentence while having a family in the free world. And to top it off, your wife was sick while you were incarcerated. Talk to us about that experience.

Angela Ivey Evans was wife at that time. We have five daughters together. It was rough being away from them during my incarceration. Not being able to physically be with your loved one while they are fighting a deadly disease such breast cancer is a mind blowing experience. Unfortunately, Angela passed away on January 15, 2000. Eventually, I was able to reconcile that her sickness took her away from us. On August 27, 2011, I remarried and inherited two lovely daughters through this marriage. Family is important!

How did you repair the pain of being separated from your family? Do you still experience any lingering results of incarceration?

Repairing the pain of being separated from my family was a serious process for me. Through God, I was introduced to “Mental Muscle”, which helped me to endure and keep moving forward. Yes, there are times when I think back at the time of incarceration to keep me grounded. When I seem to get upset about something, I reflect back on those horrific times in those walls. I close my eyes for 10 seconds and when I open them I feel balanced again.

You’ve battled with peer pressure. Those pressures would lead you into the drug game. With the increased coverage of bullying that we see in society today, what would you say to children who feel pressured or bullied by others to do the wrong things?

If a kid feels pressured into doing the wrong thing by being bullied, I would tell that kid to immediately alert a parent or teacher about it. Don’t delay because if it isn’t instantly addressed, severe consequences can follow.

Have you always had a desire to write? Do you consider yourself to be a professional writer? Talk about the process of putting this book together.

Yes I’ve always had a desire to write, and yes, I consider myself to be a professional writer. The process of putting a book together has its challenges. First you have to know what you want to write about. Be specific and stay within your scope. Secondly, you have to start writing. Don’t waste time thinking. Get started! The third step involves the copywriting process. This normally occurs once you have found a title for your book. The fourth step is to retain legal representation i.e. get a lawyer!  After that, you can go to the fifth step which involves shopping for a publisher. The sixth step is optional: get an editor only if you don’t want publishing company to do it. The seventh and last step is creating a cover design for your book. As a note: steps to writing a book include, but are not limited to the steps that I’ve noted.

What do you want people to get from your story?

You can overcome any obstacle that you desire to. Just continue to pray and stay head strong and let God be your guide in all that you do. God will introduce you to the mental muscle that I’ve written about.  That’s what has guided me through all of my obstacles and adversities. Once you accomplish developing your mental muscle, you can be a success as well.

Contact: Chantel Bivins

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Tags: Breast Cancer, bullying, Cornell Evans, The Biography of Mental Muscle. Bookmark the permalink.

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