Amateurs Get Angry With Clients. Professionals Educate Them.

Amateurs Get Angry With Clients. Professionals Educate Them.

As most experienced freelancers know, sometimes we have to fire our clients, for their benefit and ours. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I used to think dealing with frustrating clients was just part of being a creative. But then I realized while, yes, there are frustrating parts of any relationship, frustration should be the … Continue reading

Smokers Cost Employers $5,800 a Year

Smokers Cost Employers $5,800 a Year

  That pack of cigarettes might cost more than you think. According to a recent Ohio State University study, every smoker costs their company about $5,800. But health costs aren’t the problem–it’s the smoking breaks. “Employees who smoke impose significant excess costs on private employers,” concluded the researchers. Check out their breakdown of annual costs: $3,077: Cost of … Continue reading