Where the Five-Day Workweek Came From

Where the Five-Day Workweek Came From

Story provided by The Atlantic –  It’s a relatively new invention—is it time to shave another day off? “Seven days,” wrote Witold Rybczynski in the August 1991 issue of The Atlantic, “is not natural because no natural phenomenon occurs every seven days.” The year marks one revolution of the Earth around the sun.  Months, supposedly, … Continue reading

The Dullest, Most Vital Skill You Need to Become a Successful Manager

The Dullest, Most Vital Skill You Need to Become a Successful Manager

Story provided by LinkedIn (Written by Walter Chen) –  The exemplary manager is often shown delivering a rousing speech that inspires her troops to achieve ever greater heights. But the truth is a lot less exciting than that. To three highly effective and successful executives, a boring, often-overlooked ability is one of the most vital … Continue reading