Ingenious Label Design Ensures Food Safety

9.8.14 Food Label


Story provided by PSFK – 

TO-GENKYO has designed an innovative hourglass shaped label for packaged meat which uses a special ink that changes color as ammonia is released inside the package.

Ingenious Label Design Ensures Food Safety-2

Japanese design agency TO-GENKYO has designed an innovative hourglass shaped label for packaged meat which uses a special ink that changes color as ammonia is released inside the package. As the meat ages, it releases increasing amounts of the substance, obscuring the barcode at the bottom. Customers can quickly see if the meat is going bad – and when the barcode becomes completely covered, it can’t be scanned.

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Screen shot 2010-05-03 at 10.20.05 PM

Tags: Food labels, Fresh food, PSFK, TO-GENKYO. Bookmark the permalink.

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