Young Boss? 5 Tips for Hiring Older Workers

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Mark Zuckerberg has become the standard for what we expect from young CEOs. But the hiring process for young CEOs is very awkward. Even as a young employee, the transition into becoming a part of the team can be rough. I remember being hired for my second full-time job at the age of 25. My boss-to-be communicated with me via email for the first few weeks prior to my official hire. One of the suggestions that she made was that I not come into the office with the expectation of greeting older workers as “Miss” or “Mister”. She demanded that I look at my peers…as peers.

Chuck Cohn takes that a step further. As the owner of Varsity Tutors, he’s faced the challenge of hiring older workers. He gives some good tips on how young entrepreneurs can approach this situation.

To read, click here

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