
3.1.13 TwoTwelfths

appears as a guest contributor on “The Information Age”. Having completed two months of 2013, are we still on track? Are we still upholding our resolutions? Billy ponders with these thoughts.


March 1st has arrived, normally by this time the New Year’s Resolutions have faded away and people are back to their stagnant daily routines. It can be such a shame when we as humans act so impulsively. We take time to set our goals for the year and have forgotten about them before 20% of the year even ends. Consistency forms change. Eating healthy or saving money are impulsive actions unless they are carried on until they become habit. I personally try to reiterate every goal I have for this year each and every morning. My ambitions and expectations are taped to the inside of my closet and therefore every time I pick out my outfit I can remind myself of them.

The first two months out of the twelve are now over. One sixth of the year. Think how quickly we forget one sixth of a day, just four hours. We will take a two hour nap and watch two hours of TV without a second thought. Seemingly harmless, these unproductive periods actually transfer to greater lengths of time. Every month where we do not better ourselves is a twelfth of the year wasted. Considering time is our most valuable resource, I encourage those around me to make a conscious effort to make the most out of every twelfth, before each wasted twelfth encourages the loom of another passing year.

“If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.” –Benjamin Franklin.

-Billy Beddow-

(photo courtesy of Travelin’ Joe)

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