413 Ways to be Successful (Preview)

6.3.13 413 Ways

Kevin Claiborne has been a guest contributor on this site on several occasions. He has a new site as well as a new venture. “413 Ways to be Successful” is an interactive social project designed to change the way people define, perceive, and achieve success.

The number 413 was inspired by the Bible verse Philippians 4:13 which states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Kevin’s interpretation of this verse is that with the right balance of determination, diligence, and dedication, we can achieve anything that we put our minds to.

The interactive portion of the project is what I find to be the most intriguing:

First, people can purchase the 413 Ways to be Successful journal and use it as a tool to spark their own creative processes and to write down their own creative lists of habits and actions that lead to success. Using the journal as a place to record memoirs and motivational tips will help users to get the full impact of this social project. Writing down motivational notes for yourself to read and ideas to take action on can help you stay focused on your goals and track your progress as well.

Second, people can submit ideas on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag “#413Ways” as a way to gain new habits or continue practicing their own. The use of the hashtag #413Ways is a quick, convenient way to spread ideas through social media and keep track of them to discover later. Some common examples: “Surround yourself with positive people who uplift you. #413Ways” or “Never limit yourself to being realistic, because being realistic is the quickest way to mediocrity. #413Ways”

Currently, Kevin is working on his own list which will be released in the form of the “413 Ways to be Successful: Compilation Book”, at a later date.

For now, take a peek at the first 25 ways:

413 Ways to be Successful

Here is a brief preview of 25 of the #413Ways to be Successful. Take what you need. Apply them to your lives. Spread the word.

  1. Have faith in God as well as faith in yourself.
  2. Never let the fear of failure or fear of greatness keep you from achieving your dreams.
  3. Success is subjective. Define what it means to be successful using your own definition, not society’s definition.
  4. Follow your passion. Every time you ignore your passion, you will die a little bit on the inside.
  5. Set goals that inspire and motivate you. Write them down and track your progress.
  6. Don’t suffocate your inner voice. Trust your gut instinct.
  7. Do not be afraid to step outside of (or expand) your comfort zone.
  8. Never doubt your own strength, because if being strong is your only option, who has room for doubt?
  9. Learn how to identify and take advantage of life’s opportunities.
  10. Spend time on what matters. If it does not help you achieve your goals or make you better, is it worth your time? There are only 86,400 seconds in a day. The clock is ticking.
  11. When you can’t find an opportunity, create one.
  12. If you do not confront your fears, they will become your limits.
  13. Surround yourself with positive people who motivate, encourage, inspire, and uplift you.
  14. Take calculated risk
  15. Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
  16. Always trying is better than not trying at all.
  17. Turn your wounds into words of wisdom. Learn the lessons from life’s experiences.
  18. Dance in the rain while you wait for the storm to pass.
  19. Do not confuse being busy with being productive.
  20. Do not worry about things you cannot control. It’s unproductive and pointless.
  21. Be patient and persistence when making progress.
  22. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” – Henry Ford
  23. Think about whether or not it’s more important for you to be the best or do your best.
  24. Always be creating
  25. Love what you do or leave. Do not complicate it.
Tags: 413 Ways, 413 Ways to be Successful, Kevin Claiborne II, Philippians 4:13, . Bookmark the permalink.

One thought on “413 Ways to be Successful (Preview)

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