Thank You!

12.31.13 Thank You!


Thanks to everyone for your support of this website in the first year. The idea behind the site came about as I sat back and thought about how my circle of friends could benefit from connecting and working collectively. The site has taken off beyond my circle and it’s my hope that people are becoming better as a result. I’ve shaped the site to be a place where people can come and get charged up to tackle all of their obstacles and accomplish all of the dreams that they’ve desired. I will always dedicate content to helping people who need assistance with personal and professional growth.

In the first year, the site received over 34,500 views. It’s my hope to surpass that amount by the end of 2014. Look for new segments and more interesting content in year two. As we celebrate the first year, I wanted to share with you the top ten viewed entries for 2013:


6.3.13 413 Ways

413 Ways to be Successful (Preview) – Guest Entry by Kevin Claiborne


The Hypebeast


“The Hypebeast” – A Feature on Thomas Mitchell


1.24.13 Talley

“How Major is Talley?” – A Feature on Matt Talley


9.17.13 Commas

“13 Rules For Using Commas Without Looking Like An Idiot” – Story Provided by Business Insider



“Capital Chicken and Waffles” – A Feature on Capital Chicken and Waffles


12.29.12 Bill Walker

“When A Hero Comes Along” – A Feature on Bill Walker


The Globetrotter

“The Globetrotter” – A Feature on Vashawn Strader


“Show Me the Money!!”

“Show Me The Money” – A Feature on Rodney Thomas


2.16.13 Creative Job Titles 2

“Creative Job Titles Are The New Norm” – Story Provided by The Boston Globe


12.31.12 Kevin Claiborne

“Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone” –  Guest Entry by Kevin Claiborne



Have a happy new year!


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