Tool of the Day: Scrooser

Imagine the future starting here and now, right underneath your feet with just a modest impulse initiated by you. You decide: When something extraordinary can be expected. Where you want to experience something unique. How you conquer space and time. Freedom takes shape through efficient engineering impeccably integrated into a timeless design. Both groundbreaking and sustainable, a new era of urban mobility starts now with SCROOSER.

SCROOSER is lifestyle paired with pioneering spirit. SCROOSER defines a new and unique motor vehicle category and meets all expectations regarding modern mobility in the urban environment. Designed simplicity enables various individual driving styles. The revolutionary impulse drive electric motor remains invisible and operates environmentally friendly. Every SCROOSER is hand-made and configured to meet the highest criteria for quality. The concept of SCROOSER is simple and will remain open for the future needs of urban travelers.

Go to the site.

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